Supporting Rare Diseases in India
In Our Rarity We Find Blessings. United As One Community.
Chances are you haven't heard much about Niemann-Pick disease. It's a rare disease, but maybe not as rare as we think as it is difficult to diagnose. Explore this area to discover more about NPD, it's diagnosis and treatment, and the work that Niemann Pick India Patient Advocacy is conducting.
The Niemann-Pick India Foundation, is a non-profit, patient advocacy and family support organization dedicated to supporting and empowering patients and families affected by Niemann-Pick disease, through education, collaboration and research.
In Our Rarity We Find Blessings. United As One Community.
NPI provides services to all individuals affected by Niemann-Pick disease. We ask and hope that families and extended families/friends will help the foundation through personal contributions and fundraising contributions to assist with administrative costs and research funds.